Welcome to the SVFD Training Knowledge Center!
This site is divided into the three sections of basic training, advanced training, and additional resources. If you have any questions, please ask the SVFD Training Officer.
Basic Training
There are three general categories of requirements for basic firefighter training within Stafford County.
I. Initial - These classes will be held once a month, and new applicants who enroll after 12/20/13 will be automatically enrolled for the next available weekend when you apply. These classes are required to get your initial issue of personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as register for additional classes within Stafford County.
a. CPR for Healthcare Providers
Course Information:
b. Stafford County Infection Control/HIPAA
Infection control classes from other jurisdictions do not satisfy this requirement.
c. Hazadous Materials Awareness
This class is now conducted exclusively online with a mandatory state test at the end. Stafford County offers a test site every other month, or you can make arrangements with the Division 2 Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) headquarters. Additional details can be found below in Additional Resources (links below) or on the Stafford County Fire and Rescue (SCFR) Training Opportunities website (link below).
d. 700 MHz Radio End User Class
II. NIMS - These classes are online and required by Stafford County as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). You can take these classes at any time and retain a copy of your completion certification as you will need to provide it for your County records.
a. Introduction to Incident Command System ICS-100
b. ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents ICS-200
c. National Incident Management System, An Introduction ICS-700
d. National Response Framework, An Introduction ICS-800
III. Basic Firefighting - The Stafford County Volunteer Recruit Academy will provide all minimum classes (firefighter 1/2, hazardous materials operations, mayday firefighter down) required for full participation as a volunteer firefighter. This Academy typically lasts approximately six months and runs two weeknights from 6:30pm to 10:30pm and every other Saturday from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Very limited absences for special circumstances may be tolerated.
Advanced Training
Once you are certified as a Virginia firefighter, you must successfully complete the SVFD probationary packet to be a minimum manning (or "released") firefighter with the SVFD. For those people who have previous firefighting experience and are currently Virginia firefighting certified, we have a tailored release packet.
Additional classes and fire training opportunities can be found at the following websites:
Additional Resouces
Stafford County Fire and Rescue
Spotsylvania County Fire and Rescue
Prince William County Fire and Rescue
Loudoun County Fire and Rescue
Virginia Department of Fire Programs
Other Useful Training Files:
Technical Rescue Training Progression Chart
VDFP Knowledge Center Registration Information (Step 1 of online class registration)
VDFP Knowledge Center Class Enrollment (Step 2 of online class registration)