By Stafford Volunteer Fire Department
July 21, 2023

That means it’s Firefighter Friday! Today we introduce you to another one of our members.

Member Profile: Firefighter Alex Byers

Why did you become a firefighter?
⁃ I’ve wanted to be one ever since I was a kid. My family has been in the fire service for a while and growing up watching my dad do the job made me want to become one.

What about being a firefighter do you enjoy most?
⁃ Being able to help my community and being there when they need us and training to become a better fireman.

How long have you been a firefighter?
⁃ 3 1/2 years

When did you join the SVFD?
⁃ I joined the Stafford Volunteers in 2020

What do you do for a living?
⁃ Self employed, but working to become a career firefighter.

What is your greatest memory of your time with the SVFD?
⁃ Being released as a fully staffed firefighter and getting to know the people that helped me get to that position.

What positions have you held within the SVFD?
-probationary firefighter, and firefighter.

Engine or Truck?
⁃ I really enjoy both. On the Engine you get to take the line, go inside and put the fire out. But the Truck you get the thrill of going into the fire without a line.

What advice would you give someone who wants to become a firefighter?
⁃ The advice I would give is to not give up, no matter how hard it gets. Training might be difficult but don’t stop until you can’t get it wrong. You can never train too much.